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How to make your

resume perfect


In the present time, the competition of applying resume for

jobs is very difficult for freshman and new gratuate students.

They don't know what should they put and hat they don't in

order to make their remuse perfect. Today, however, your are

lucky. I'm going to share you how to write a perfect resume by following these simple steps below:



1. Personal Information


Your personal information is the first thing which you are to state firstly in your resume, such as, your name, adress, email, phone number which will help the companies contact you for interviewing. Also, you have to state your birth of date and your nationality clealry. With your heigh, weight, and health are not significant to put in your resume.


2. Job Title


Owing to make your resume more interesting from reader, human resource, you have to state clearly about your position which you are applying for and interested in. The company wants candidate who states their position clearly rather than who just apply for nothing.


3. Profile Summary


Everyday, each company gets many resumes from candidates who apply for jobs, but the companies have no time to read all those resumes since they have more works. Wherefore, profile summary is imprtant for you to put on your resume which makes your resume meaningful.


In case you have experiences in some jobs, you have to describe your responsibilties at your previous work which related to the works that the company seeks for new candidates. Even though you can not describe your work, you have now experiences. You can write down your purposes and commitment on your work when you get a chance to work for them. Also, you have to use strong words, yet reasonable to your ability.


4. Education Background


This also in the important part wich you have write down on your resume. You have to show up your education background like at university and high school with clear professional, major. It is not important to put your education at primary and secondary school.


5. Working Experiences


Working experience is the most difficult thing for freshman and new gratuated students. However, working experience does not mean the job that you work and get money from; it refers to all kinds of works including internship, volunteering, and and other actions. For those who have experiences in some jobs, you have to state clearly about your company you had/have been working for, position, and date you work.


Each job, you have to state some key words in your work and then describe several points about your responsible on your work which assinged by the company. Also, you have to state whatever you have achieved in your previous and current job.


6. Further Experience


For other expereinces like seminar, short course, or study-trip, you have to write them down in your resume about any good achievement.


Note: do not write down any thing which is fake.


7. Skills


In order to make your resume better than the others, you have to show up your skills to the company about whatever you can do beside the position you apply for.


Language: You need to start with own language first, and then any languages which you can deal with.

Computer: Knowlagde in computer like Microslf
Office (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint), and Adobe (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator), or other program which related to your work.

Others: If you think you have any things which are related to your work, you can put them.


8. Interest


You need to describe what you like to do in your free time like working in group or whatever which is positve. You should not put any negative action like cheating chat with friends or go shopping.


9. References


That is the last part in your resume which help the company feels confidence on you. You have to state the clear name, position, phone number, email adress, about your previous manager or your teacher who can give the company about your information and what your have achieved.


You have to choose and ask for permission before putting them in your references owing to let them talk about your positive pionts.





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